Jennie Hillman - About Healing Yoga
Jennie Hillman - About Healing Yoga


In July 2016, exactly a fortnight before a relocation move to Devon, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. The following 18 months of chemotherapy, surgery, reconstruction and radiotherapy was challenging in the extreme. What helped me through this whole period was maintaining a regular yoga practice, albeit in a much modified form.

The experiences I acquired through many years of practice, teaching and study have supported me physically, mentally and spiritually. I would like to offer some of what I have learnt to others, using the first principle of yoga, Ahimsa, non-harming. The simplest techniques of mindful breathing and gentle movement can bring about clarity and peace in stressful circumstances, and help towards acceptance and healing.

Yoga is not about learning to stand on your head. It is about learning to stand on your feet, and the privilege of standing on your mat is the greatest gift of all.